Saturday, April 25, 2020

Three “What If” Issues Already Resolved By Bhakti-Yoga

[Shri Krishna]“One can understand the Supreme Personality as He is only by devotional service. And when one is in full consciousness of the Supreme Lord by such devotion, he can enter into the kingdom of God.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-gita, 18.55)

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भक्त्या माम् अभिजानाति
यावान् यश् चास्मि तत्त्वतः
ततो मां तत्त्वतो ज्ञात्वा
विशते तद्-अनन्तरम्

bhaktyā mām abhijānāti
yāvān yaś cāsmi tattvataḥ
tato māṁ tattvato jñātvā
viśate tad-anantaram

Here are some interesting questions to ponder as part of a game within casual conversation, to spark lively debate, to see how people think, to learn more about them and what they value in an existence.

1. What if you could only live in one place?

It happens to some people. Notably, those who are sentenced to prison. Confinement has meaning. One area. Maybe not the single cell the entire day, but there is certainly no travel. No connection to the outside world. One place, for the rest of the time spent in this existence.

[nature]Where would you go? Pick just one place. It doesn’t have to necessarily be a building. It could be a city. Maybe an open field. The idea is that you would get everything you wanted and needed. The hankering for outside travel would be eliminated because of the preferable conditions.

2. What if you never had to worry about money again?

This is the primary impetus for playing the lottery. Sure, there is the small hope that maybe the large sum of money will facilitate services and experiences otherwise never believed possible. Private airplane travel. Full-time maid service. Expensive automobiles. A home large enough to get lost in. Property suitable for parties, held as often as desired.

The extra benefits aside, the immediate result is lack of worry. Those credit card bills? That mortgage payment? Those clothes you wanted to buy? That leaky roof you’ve been meaning to fix? No problem. If you never had to worry about money again, it would be as if the ATM machine could dispense any amount of money, any time you visited it.

3. What if you were successful in everything you wanted to do?

This question likely requires the most thought. We are outside of the limitations of finance and destination travel. Success here could be anything. Someone who can’t walk at present would be able to. Someone who had difficulty speaking a foreign language would be able to learn in a matter of seconds.

That business venture would be guaranteed to turn a profit. That doctoral thesis would be accepted by the committee at first glance. That player in the professional sport would break all the records and be an instant lock for the hall of fame.

A person might find it interesting that bhakti-yoga has these questions already resolved. That is to say the devotees of the personal God act as if the aforementioned “what ifs” are a reality, at present. This is not the result of hallucination or some exercise at tricking the mind.

Since bhakti is connecting with the Almighty in truth, developing and maintaining a genuine relationship with Him, the lifestyle itself is above duality. This means that conditions of opposites, which lead to likes and dislikes, no longer apply.

Maharishi Valmiki remarks that a devotee can live practically anywhere. They don’t make a distinction between heaven and hell. The key is that they are able to see the Supreme Lord in the visual of their choice, such as with the avatara of Shri Rama standing with His bow and arrow. Others, like the warrior Arjuna, prefer to see God as the two-handed beautiful youth named Krishna.

As explained to Arjuna, God the person can only be understood by bhakti. This is a benefit, since connecting directly with Him through a mood of service will automatically elevate the consciousness to the superior, imperishable realm. As consciousness is the factor changing, the preferred place of residence no longer applies. The devotee always lives in a place like Vrindavana, for example, since they are always conscious of Krishna as the one dear to the cows and the senses [Govinda].

They don’t worry so much about financial impact since they know Krishna is the wealthiest person in the world. He has the goddess of fortune, Lakshmi Devi, by His side, which means that whatever is needed for surviving and thriving in bhakti will be provided. The ideal example in this regard is Shri Hanuman, who lives renounced in his constant glorification of Shri Rama, but is also never without the necessary supplies to carry out that life of pure devotion.

The person in bhakti-yoga is automatically successful in every endeavor. If they should stammer while giving a lecture on the science of self-realization, if they should forget a key ingredient in a preparation placed on the altar, if they should not properly recall a Sanskrit shloka from a sacred text – it is not actually a blemish.

क्षिप्रं भवति धर्मात्मा
शश्वच्-छान्तिं निगच्छति
कौन्तेय प्रतिजानीहि
न मे भक्तः प्रणश्यति

kṣipraṁ bhavati dharmātmā
śaśvac-chāntiṁ nigacchati
kaunteya pratijānīhi
na me bhaktaḥ praṇaśyati

“He quickly becomes righteous and attains lasting peace. O son of Kunti, declare it boldly that My devotee never perishes.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-gita, 9.31)

[Shri Krishna]The mood of devotion is what counts, which means there is always success in pleasing the one for whom the activities are dedicated. Only in bhakti can a loss count as a victory, such as with Jatayu and Bhishma. Only through Krishna’s favor does the life of devotion never perish, as boldly proclaimed by Arjuna.

In Closing:

Never by efforts to be ashamed,
Through Arjuna boldly proclaimed.

That perishing not a chance,
Krishna their efforts to enhance.

Since for His pleasure ultimately meant,
Dedicated time and effort spent.

Chanting and glorifying successful to be,
That knowing supporting is He.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Four False Justifications For Animal Killing Resolved By The Acharya

[Krishna with cow]“The humble sage, by virtue of true knowledge, sees with equal vision a learned and gentle brahmana, a cow, an elephant, a dog and a dog-eater [outcaste].” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-gita, 5.18)

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ब्राह्मणे गवि हस्तिनि
शुनि चैव श्व-पाके च
पण्डिताः सम-दर्शिनः

brāhmaṇe gavi hastini
śuni caiva śva-pāke ca
paṇḍitāḥ sama-darśinaḥ

“I really can’t help it. I don’t blame myself, though I am certainly implicated in the actions. While I am only a supposed innocent bystander seated at the dinner table, I am the end of a chain of grossly sinful activities.

“Karma is real. Shri Rama confirms this in the Ramayana. The man-eaters from Lanka thought they were in the clear, free from punishment for their heinous crimes of killing and eating peaceful, non-violent priests in the forests.”

अवश्यं लभते जन्तुः फलं पापस्य कर्मणः।
घोरं पर्यागते काले द्रुमाः पुष्पमिवार्तवम्।।

avaśyaṃ labhate jantuḥ phalaṃ pāpasya karmaṇaḥ।
ghoraṃ paryāgate kāle drumāḥ puṣpamivārtavam।।

“Just as a tree starts to blossom during the proper season, so the doer of sinful deeds inevitably reaps the horrible fruit of their actions at the appropriate time.” (Lord Rama speaking to Khara, Valmiki Ramayana, Aranya Kand, 29.8)

“There is no reason to be upset at others on this issue. They are likely following the traditions of the past. They never had their eyes opened. The acharya sure did get through to me. Now I am not only a believer, but I give a humble attempt at explaining to others.”

1. The fish eat other fish

While Benjamin Franklin intended this anecdote to be a humorous criticism at man’s inability to follow self-imposed austerity, others will certainly use it as justification. The famous founding father in America once tried what he referred to as an “all-vegetable diet.”

Long before vegetarianism was in style in that part of the world, he considered living by the principle of respecting all forms of life to the best extent possible. Then one time aboard a ship he noticed fish being eaten. Upon cutting the fish open, there were so many other living beings inside. In other words, the fish certainly wasn’t following the all-vegetable diet.

Thus the rationale for humans to consume the same was obvious, though Franklin poked a joke at himself by saying that human beings, rational as they are, will find a way to rationalize practically any behavior.

2. The mother cries for only a few minutes

This is in response to the criticism that modern day dairy farming practices involve forced separation of the calf from its mother. Nature certainly did not intend that. The milk is produced from emotion. There is love from the mother. The stronger the love, the more comfortable the cow feels, the more milk is produced. In fact, there are situations where a single cow produces more than enough milk for an entire village to consume on a daily basis.

One justification for the practice is to say that the crying is not long. The mother is upset for only a few minutes and then she gets on with her behavior. The calf gets fed formula milk and both living beings, who show many signs of intelligence, are on their way towards being eventually killed for their meat.

3. How are you going to feed the population?

“If you outlawed animal killing, how would the population survive? There would not be enough food. Mass starvation, and for no reason. God gave man dominion over the entire collection of species. We are the superior race. We are meant to enjoy, in God’s image. We kill animals in order to eat. Those animals are put their for our benefit. Mind you, I am exempting cats, dogs and other household pets, but don’t mention that.“

4. There are animal sacrifices mentioned in the Vedas

Yajna. This is sacrifice, and there are so many recommended in the Vedas, which is the oldest scriptural tradition in the world. The original language is still intact. Sanskrit. Beautiful hymns, set to the perfect meter, making them easy to remember and reproduce for the benefit of others.

“Animal sacrifice was so common in ancient times that we see many references in the Puranas and Mahabharata. Why, all of a sudden, should we stop? Why not follow the ways of our ancestors, to enjoy in a sanctioned manner?”

The acharya, the one who leads by example for the time and circumstance, is easily able to dispel these false justifications. Just because an animal follows a certain behavior doesn’t mean that a human being should. The tiger is following its nature. So is the fish. The human being can apply discrimination. If killing a cow were no big deal, then the same could be said of killing other children.

[Krishna with cow]If using the Vedas as authority, there is strong condemnation of the practice. The cow is the equivalent of a mother. There is automatic respect warranted. Just from a little protection offered, so many problems are solved. Communities have survived and thrived for centuries without consuming animal flesh.

To say that the mother cow only cries for a few minutes after separation is sufficient justification is ludicrous. If we stole an infant from an adult female human being, she would lament for a considerable period of time. But since a lifetime can be rather lengthy, eventually a person will move on to worry over other issues. The duration of lamentation has no bearing on the sinful or pious nature of the deliberate act.

His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada reveals the eye-opening truth that control on eating and sex life is presented in scripture for only one purpose: restriction. That is to say the animal sacrifices of days past are for curbing the appetite for animal flesh. Marriage is for restricting sex life, not encouraging it further.

[Shrila Prabhupada]These restrictions are for my benefit. Ultimately, that is the best justification for living compassionately. It will help me to see the spiritual equality in all beings. It will help me to better understand God in truth, who is known as Govinda for His strong connection to the cows.

In Closing:

When in bhakti’s direction,
Understanding strong connection.

Shri Krishna to the cow,
Justified to kill them how?

Plenty of other food to eat,
And taste’s satisfaction to meet.

Acharya this wisdom sharing,
That for all creatures caring.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Four Different Rupas Of Bhagavan

[virata-rupa]“All the sons of Dhritarashtra along with their allied kings, and Bhishma, Drona and Karna, and all our soldiers are rushing into Your mouths, their heads smashed by Your fearful teeth. I see that some are being crushed between Your teeth as well.” (Arjuna, Bhagavad-gita, 11.26-27)

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अमी च त्वां धृतराष्ट्रस्य पुत्राः
सर्वे सहैवावनि-पाल-सङ्घैः
भीष्मो द्रोणः सूत-पुत्रस् तथासौ
सहास्मदीयैर् अपि योध-मुख्यैः
वक्त्राणि ते त्वरमाणा विशन्ति
दंष्ट्रा-करालानि भयानकानि
केचिद् विलग्ना दशनान्तरेषु
सन्दृश्यन्ते चूर्णितैर् उत्तमाङ्गैः

amī ca tvāṁ dhṛtarāṣṭrasya putrāḥ
sarve sahaivāvani-pāla-saṅghaiḥ
bhīṣmo droṇaḥ sūta-putras tathāsau
sahāsmadīyair api yodha-mukhyaiḥ
vaktrāṇi te tvaramāṇā viśanti
daṁṣṭrā-karālāni bhayānakāni
kecid vilagnā daśanāntareṣu
sandṛśyante cūrṇitair uttamāṅgaiḥ

They are not necessarily different from one another. God is one. He is the person to whom every living entity is connected. That cow languishing after separation from its newborn. That calf sent for untimely death, in violation of nature’s way. That cancer-stricken celebrity. That leader of the important nation.

Everything that is living is a spirit soul, and the source of both the material and spiritual energies is God. He may be called out to differently based on the time and circumstance. Some traditions of spirituality may only know Him to a slight degree, or have an ill-conceived image of Him being old and angry. Some may only know His shadow portion, the material world, where they vehemently deny that He exists.

The external viewpoint bears no impact on the truth of existence. The rupa is the form, and with Bhagavan it refers to a transcendental vision. The rupas can be different because they display a separate visual for the eyes to understand. The Sanskrit word rupa can also refer to “beauty,” and the double-meaning is applicable in every way to the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

1. Virata

This is witnessed on special occasions, though the truth should not be difficult to comprehend. Take the lifetime of one individual. It could be a person from the past; someone from history. They were born at a certain time. While we may identify with them during the adult years, it cannot be denied that the person was once a child.

There is the time element that brings with it constant change. The final shift is at the time of death. The person who previously arrived from the womb departs for another place, leaving the body behind.

Follow the same concept but for every living thing. Include the planets while you are at it. Now try to cram everything into a single image. All three dimensions and all three time periods. This universe and others.

It is impossible to fathom, but the abstract is somewhat analogous to the virata-rupa. This is Bhagavan’s vision that we translate as “universal form.” It is one way to prove Divinity to the doubters. It should not be necessary, but sometimes the less intelligent require fantastic displays of brilliance to be convinced.

The virata-rupa has been shown several times, from the documented evidence available, and likely the most famous exhibition was to the bow-warrior named Arjuna on the battlefield. The best fighter from the Pandava side saw the future in every one of the major military participants rushing into Krishna’s mouths.

[virata-rupa]Previously, the friend and charioteer to Arjuna showed only one mouth. As Krishna is the Divine Himself, the virata-rupa displayed at Arjuna’s request could have displayed an unlimited number of mouths. The exhibition was symbolic of what was to come. In other words, Krishna produced a spoiler of the real-life drama known as the Bharata War.

2. Kala

This is the rupa that every person sees, irrespective of their belief system. From the staunchest atheist to the greatest, most faithful believer – kala does not discriminate. Kala is both time and death.

Sometimes there is the most ferocious vision, such as with Narasimhadeva shown to Hiranyakashipu. Sometimes kala is there as Krishna, such as with Bhishmadeva preparing to quit his body while lying down filled with arrows released from the enemy.

[Narasimhadeva]Kala is the easiest way to understand God, but the tragedy is that no more time remains afterwards. This vision arrives right at the very end, and in the next life the previous experience will most likely be forgotten.

3. The impersonal

This is one way to see God prior to death. It is not a direct vision. That is to say obviously identifiable features like hands, legs and a face are lacking. The impersonal is always there. It is known as the avyakta-murtina.

मया ततम् इदं सर्वं
जगद् अव्यक्त-मूर्तिना
मत्-स्थानि सर्व-भूतानि
न चाहं तेष्व् अवस्थितः

mayā tatam idaṁ sarvaṁ
jagad avyakta-mūrtinā
mat-sthāni sarva-bhūtāni
na cāhaṁ teṣv avasthitaḥ

“By Me, in My unmanifested form, this entire universe is pervaded. All beings are in Me, but I am not in them.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-gita, 9.4)

Take everything that exists and understand that spirit is at the foundation. The name is Brahman. Everything belongs to Brahman. We share oneness with one another because of this truth. I am Brahman and so are you. View as a collective and you have connected with God through the impersonal form.

4. Saguna

This is the identifiable form. Saguna means “with qualities.” For instance, the person Krishna is saguna from our perspective. Bhagavan is always above distinctions borne of duality. He is above any kind of material concept.

As we live in this material world, we require assistance in our quest to understand that which is beyond this world. What is at the origin? What is the actual influence of time? To where will I go when I am done in this lifetime? Is there a way to never take birth again?

The saguna form is superior for meeting this objective. The other side, nirguna, the impersonal form, requires more time and effort in achieving perfection. Since we are embodied, it is difficult to understand what body-less actually means.

The saguna shows us that God has features like you and me, but that they are also different. He can rest a heavy mountain on the pinky finger of His left hand. He can hear every prayer simultaneously offered to Him. There is unlimited throughput and bandwidth, and so the chanting of the holy names directed at His personal form is a surefire way to make advanced in the purification of the consciousness: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.

In Closing:

Different forms showing to me,
Like kala at death’s time to see.

Virata-rupa to Arjuna shown,
Consisting of everything known.

Impersonal there in every space,
Saguna resting in temple’s place.

Where identifiable features displaying,
To whom in devotion praying.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Five Things God Cannot Be Limited To

[Shri Krishna]“Everywhere are His hands and legs, His eyes and faces, and He hears everything. In this way the Supersoul exists.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-gita, 13.14)

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सर्वतः पाणि-पादं तत्
सर्वतो ऽक्षि-शिरो-मुखम्
सर्वतः श्रुतिमल् लोके
सर्वम् आवृत्य तिष्ठति

sarvataḥ pāṇi-pādaṁ tat
sarvato ‘kṣi-śiro-mukham
sarvataḥ śrutimal loke
sarvam āvṛtya tiṣṭhati

1. A single space

The Vedic tradition emanates from the place known as India, based on the modern-day map. The people in that region speak various languages, which are mostly rooted in Sanskrit, the oldest language known to man.

That tradition describes God in detail, with a key philosophical teaching presented at the beginning. Blind faith is not the entryway. As every person has a natural inclination towards worship of the Divine, there is comprehensive information presented so as to develop that inclination into a mature stage. In other words, the human population is encouraged to apply as much intellect as possible for understanding the most difficult concept.

As such, a wise person quickly realizes that God is not limited to a specific space. This applies to both the house of worship and the general region where spiritual practices thrive. Certainly, it is beneficial to reside in a holy place, a tirtha. This is due to the well-known association with the personal side of God. In addition, saintly people tend to congregate in such areas, and a moment of their association can remove all misconceptions about the proper direction in life.

[Narasimhadeva]There is the house of worship, honoring the saguna form, representing the mercy of the Almighty. I lack the eyes capable of discerning His all-pervasive presence, but through the deity He helps me to understand. It is a place to which I can direct my inquiries, share my shortcomings, offer prayers, and make vows of future purification.

Though the temple is important in this regard, God the person could never be limited to a single house of worship. He is both inside of the temple and out. He is worshiped in truth both within the borders of India and outside, as well.

2. A single area

It may be that in the land of Vrindavana devotion flourishes. There are many physical locations directly relating to the Supreme Lord in His avatara of Shri Krishna. The real Govardhana Hill is there. Krishna once lifted this to rescue the residents from a catastrophic flood. There are the many forests where Krishna and His friends played during the day.

[Shri Krishna]At the same time, Krishna can be worshiped outside of Vrindavana. Devotees around the world make replicas of Govardhana Hill to imitate the first puja inaugurated by Krishna Himself. They perform the Ratha-yatra parade as a worship to the Lord of the universe, Jagannatha.

3. A single religion

“It is my way or the highway. Accept this faith or be forever doomed. This is your one chance. Miss it and you will suffer in hell. Eternal damnation. Mine is an angry God. He does not have a sense of humor.”

Actually, if man laughs and tries to make others laugh through joke-telling and the like, why would the trait be absent in the origin of man, Narayana? Why should I have an ability that He lacks? If I am forgiving to the point of ignoring repeated transgressions by a certain loved one, why would the Almighty only give me one chance at redemption?

Within the Vedic tradition, there are many layers of realization. The idea is that no one should be completely shut off from spiritual life. If they are not able to understand God to the fullest extent of the Bhagavan feature, they still have the opportunity to engage in practices that will steadily bring purification.

Dharma applies to all spheres and to all time periods. Dharma is never the exclusive property of any tradition of spirituality. The many faiths practiced are merely different ways to understand the single God. Just as the sun shines its light on the entire universe, so every person is eligible for receiving the Divine mercy.

4. A single name

The Vedas present thousands upon thousands of names. Many of them are negations. We live in a world full of limitations. There are concepts beyond our understanding. Time. Space. Age. Fallibility.

The Supreme Lord is the opposite; i.e. He lacks limitations. He is Achyuta since He never falls down. He is Anadi since He has no beginning. He is Ananta since He lacks an end. He is nava-yauvanam, which means that His transcendental body always appears fresh and new, like a person who has just become a teenager.

He is Krishna, Rama and Hare. He can be identified by so many names, and one is not considered better than the other if the mood is pure. If I prefer to say Shyamasundara instead of Krishna, what will be the harm? I am addressing God as the most beautiful person, with a distinct bodily complexion.

5. A single revered sacred text

In courtroom cases, witnesses take an oath upon a specific sacred text. The idea is that they wouldn’t want to give false testimony while the man upstairs is watching. The book is a conduit to a different location. That book is merely a way to describe someone who is beyond description. Glorification of God has been ongoing since before anyone can remember, and it continues with successive generations of man.

Even within the Vedic tradition there are many revered sacred texts. Bhagavad-gita. The original Vedas. The Ramayana. Shrimad Bhagavatam. One cannot be considered superior to another, though each has their appeal and target audiences. If a person is able to fully understand God and engage in unalloyed devotional service as a result of contact with a specific book, then that book is most valuable.

In Closing:

Deity of features befitting,
On this temple throne sitting.

But not limited practically so,
Elsewhere opportunity to know.

Described in sacred text to revere,
But other works of understanding clear.

Never limited by such can be,
Through holy name clearly to see.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

If You Are God Today Why Weren't You God Yesterday

[Radha-Krishna]“The Supreme Lord said, The indestructible, transcendental living entity is called Brahman, and his eternal nature is called the self. Action pertaining to the development of these material bodies is called karma, or fruitive activities.” (Bhagavad-gita, 8.3)

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श्री-भगवान् उवाच
अक्षरं ब्रह्म परमं
स्वभावो ऽध्यात्मम् उच्यते
विसर्गः कर्म-संज्ञितः

śrī-bhagavān uvāca
akṣaraṁ brahma paramaṁ
svabhāvo ‘dhyātmam ucyate
visargaḥ karma-saṁjñitaḥ

“You run into this every now and then, especially in the realm of spirituality rooted in the Vedas, the ancient scriptural tradition emanating from the place today demarcated as India. I understand that real dharma cannot be restricted to a specific location. It is not the sole property of people of certain bodily characteristics.

“Dharma is the same for man, woman and child. It applies to the animal kingdom, as well, though they lack the potential to identify it. I can give a discourse on the distinctions between pious and impious behavior to a dog, but the words will not make an impact. Whether young or mature, the dog will not be able to comprehend the concepts, let alone decipher the language.

“The distinction between body and spirit is the starting point, the entryway, if you will. I understand that many of the popular faiths never even reach this level. They say to believe in a specific savior and that he will take care of everything. Moreover, if you fail to profess allegiance, you are doomed. Forever. No second chances. You missed out and you will suffer eternal damnation.

“It is easy for the Vedic tradition to stand out. You run into issues after the truth about identity as spirit soul, aham brahmasmi. There are some schools of thought which say that the individual is God. All are one. This is why every religion is the same. Just different ways to become one with Divinity.

“The teachers say to meditate, accept the renounced order of life, chant a specific mantra, or just think it to be true. Then you will become God. The leaders try to prove the truth by displays of miracles.

[Ramanuja]“I can see why people would be fooled by this. How do you get them to properly understand? How do you convince them to follow the acharyas like Ramanuja, Madhva and Chaitanya, who teach of the simultaneous duality and non-duality?”

There is a simple question to ask the person who claims to be God. For starters, it is not impossible to see the Divine Himself in human form. He could appear within the animal community, as well. The concept of an avatara is real. The root meaning is “one who descends.”

The Supreme Lord does not accept material elements. He is not maya, or illusion, as the Mayavadi will claim. Their ultimate conclusion is that everything is illusion. Only Brahman is truth, and since every person is a spark of Brahman, every person is God.

The reality is that the superior entity is Parabrahman, but the cheaters within the Vedic tradition fail to recognize this. They are after becoming supreme themselves; thus they stop at the platform of equivalence. They try to get others to become God through spiritual practices, but they know this will not happen, as God is a singular post.

If I see someone before me proclaiming to have become God, the question to ask is, “Why weren’t you God yesterday?” This is simple and straightforward enough. When we speak of the greatest of all-time in a particular sport, there is a major flaw to the discussion. “All-time” refers to both forwards and backwards, including the present. If a certain athlete is no longer capable of arriving on the playing field, they are not the greatest today; hence invalidating the “all-time” qualification.

God is in the superior position for every time period and every location. We see that as the Supersoul, He is responsible for outcomes small and large. He remembers my past lives, while I cannot.

[Radha-Krishna]The real God is always available for consultation and He never falls into illusion. The phone line to the spiritual world is never busy and there is never a hold-time with respect to connecting through prayers. Therefore, devotional practices such as chanting the holy names are applicable to every person and time of day: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.

In Closing:

Available any time of day,
Phone line never busy to say.

To consult and for rescuing so,
Real God everywhere should know.

Not that one day I can become,
Or that others proclaiming done.

If God now then why not before?
From this faith in Krishna restore.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Two Miracles God Is Able To Perform

[Hanuman carrying mountain]“This divine energy of Mine, consisting of the three modes of material nature, is difficult to overcome. But those who have surrendered unto Me can easily cross beyond it.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-gita, 7.14)

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दैवी ह्य् एषा गुण-मयी
मम माया दुरत्यया
माम् एव ये प्रपद्यन्ते
मायाम् एतां तरन्ति ते

daivī hy eṣā guṇa-mayī
mama māyā duratyayā
mām eva ye prapadyante
māyām etāṁ taranti te

It is not uncommon to equate Divinity with such events. The empowered soul, be it a representative of the Almighty or the actual individual that is God, is able to do something otherwise thought impossible. Defying the laws of nature, the noteworthy event is documented for future generations to relish and cherish.

With the path of devotion, bhakti-yoga, similar miracles are possible. The Supreme Lord extends His amazing potency to those who are trying to connect with Him. What previously seemed like only a reality in a dream, becomes possible, repeatable, and a standard for emulation.

1. A dumb man can speak like a great orator

They certainly weren’t known for expert composition ability prior. They did okay in school. They were good enough to earn a passing mark in the classes on English, which included grammar and literature.

[writing/composition]They never intended to become an expert writer or speaker. The glorification was a natural outgrowth of the bhakti spirit. They received the creeper of devotion, bhakti-lata, from the spiritual master, the guru who is sent from above, though it appears to be a chance meeting.

Unbeknownst to them, they can now elucidate their feelings on the subject. The man who was previously considered dumb is now respected throughout the world. Their services are in high demand. Audiences wait in line for hours just to get a chance to hear them speak.

2. A lame man can cross a mountain

Goswami Tulsidas references a similar phenomenon in the Ramacharitamanasa. He says that when a king builds a bridge, even the ants are easily able to cross over. They otherwise wouldn’t stand a chance. The water would wash them away. A human being can build a boat and make the travel that way, but the bridge helps every kind of person, big and little.

As with the great orator, the lame man can suddenly cross a mountain. We see from the Ramayana that a person in a monkey-type body is able to leap over an ocean of considerable length. He can carry a mountain in his hand in order to rescue a wounded soldier fighting for the side of dharma.

[Hanuman carrying mountain]In truth, these are not really miracles. The Supreme Lord controls the material energy, after all. He is always in command, and he is never subject to illusion. If He so desires, He can have an elephant fit through the eye of a needle. He can enable a boar to carry an entire planet and hold it up in outer space.

Devotional service is not for the intent of achieving these miracles. To see a smile on the face of the all-attractive one is all that matters. To relish the bliss of a deep connection through the sacred sounds of the holy names is much more rewarding: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.

The idea is that whatever is necessary to succeed in devotion, the higher authorities will provide. Shri Krishna confirms in the Bhagavad-gita that this vast ocean of nescience is difficult to overcome. Samsara is a formidable force, but those who are favored by Krishna can easily cross beyond it.

In Closing:

Like Ramayana events unfolding,
Where mountain in hand holding.

The slacker now suddenly to write,
To others shining the light.

As supposed miracle to be,
But Lord’s influence just see.

Where previously ocean large and vast,
But now crossing over fast.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Five Things I Can Prepare For

[Parikshit hearing Bhagavatam]“Maharaja Parikshit, just after receiving the news of his death within seven days, at once retired from family life and shifted himself to the sacred bank of the Yamuna River.” (Shrila Prabhupada, Shrimad Bhagavatam, 1.19.6 Purport) 

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1. The big move

“So much stuff. I am getting help. Don’t worry. I won’t have to lift anything heavy by myself. Still, there is just too much to fathom. Consider the cabinets in the kitchen. The drawers in the bedrooms. The linen closet. The storage closet. So many closets!

“There is also the back and forth. Once I make the shift to the new place, some cleanup will be required in the old place. Leave everything in good condition for the next people to move in. Cancel the utilities. Drop the keys at a certain location. Some preparation will certainly go a long way helping to smooth the transition.”

2. The big first day of school

“I have some options here. The traditional route is to enroll the child in a local public school. Everyone else seems to do this. Famous people and those with considerable resources might find a private establishment to be more preferable.

“There is also the option to teach at home. I am seriously considering this one. I think my child will learn more and get a better experience, to prepare for adulthood. There will be social ramifications. People will think our family is weird, that we are somehow depriving our child, that they will not know how to interact with society.

“In truth, I’ve seen kids with absolutely zero social skills who attend traditional schools. They are glued to their smartphone screens the entire day. They watch endless hours of television. I understand nothing is perfect, every choice has its flaws, but some preparation for the long-term will help us with this decision.”

3. The big job interview

“It’s been years. I don’t remember what the first time around was like. I barely knew anything. I only got hired because I knew someone on the inside. It was a favor. The decision worked out, since I was able to contribute to the company for many years.

“I am fairly confident in my abilities at this point, as I have been a professional for a long time. On the other side, who knows what they ask in job interviews these days? It might be a trivia contest, where they want familiarity with obscure issues. They might try to trip me up here and there, to see if they can get me flustered.

“I need to prepare sufficiently. Rehearse answers to questions that I know are forthcoming. Study the technical details so that I will be confident in describing a technology in which I certainly have expertise.”

4. The big race

“You try not to think about the length. Every person I know who has completed one has remarked that they never actually ran such a distance in their training. They worked their way up to half that amount. Then on race day pure adrenaline carried them across the finish line.

[pre-race meal]“Physical ability is not the only factor here. You can try to train your body to perform for extended physical exertion, but there has to be sufficient fuel inside. Certain foods hinder performance. I can testify to that firsthand, as I am extremely sluggish after eating dinner each night. I will have to make sure to prepare adequately the night before the big race.”

5. The end of the line

This is an area we might not want to think about. We spend so much time focusing on the short-term, on the smaller issues in life, not realizing that the elephant in the room is the knowledge of imminent death.

Sometimes kala will give warning. This is the Sanskrit name for the end of life. Kala also refers to time, and in that sense both meanings are the same. If there is a sudden diagnosis of a terminal illness, if a person just has a feeling that there aren’t many days remaining, they might make preparations.

In the culture descending from the Vedas, the preparation is made from the beginning of life. Everything revolves around the ultimate goal of achieving liberation, which is the end to the cycle of birth and death.

In the case that preparations do suddenly need to be made, there is the ideal example of King Parikshit. He had the most to give up. If anyone would be forgiven for having too many attachments, it would be someone who was responsible for the wellbeing of many others. The citizens were under his care, and so how would that continue if the king had to depart for the next life?

[Parikshit hearing Bhagavatam]Parikshit renounced everything. He went to sit on the banks of the Yamuna River and hear Hari-katha. The speaker was the most qualified Shukadeva Gosvami. Seven straight days of listening was adequate preparation for the next life.

In Closing:

For the next life to prepare,
Not of death to be scared.

Since destined from birth to leave,
Try for best destination to receive.

Parikshit with the most to renounce,
But for Bhagavatam every ounce.

Simply sitting and properly hearing,
Obstacles to liberation clearing.